The Macroscope Initiative aims at providing access to basic, indigenous and autonomous tools and resources capable of triggering practices of survival, resistance and even a truly independent lifestyle, here and now. These features are essential in the body of knowledge and experience that underlies counter-culture practices that since at least the middle of the last century continues to be highly relevant in our Western context, despite the attempts at cover-up brought about by the “society of the spectacle” and current mainstream’s appeasement.
It is therefore ever more necessary to counter the harmful effects of media manipulation and the binary mindset that limits creativity and critical thinking. To overcome today’s totalitarian traditions, dogmatic religions and media corporation fanfare, we seek a shift from passive consumption to active participation in shaping a sustainable, collaborative and just future.
Our mission is to empower ourselves and anybody else interested to navigate the complexities of the contemporary world by fostering a radical expansion of awareness, knowledge, experience, and agency. This will be achieved by developing and providing access to a new active ontology that integrates philosophy, science, and the art of living with pre-modern and indigenous forms of knowledge, while also promoting critical engagement with dominant narratives and challenging destructive power structures.
We promote an ontology focused on integrating philosophy, science, art of living and indigenous knowledge, drawing inspiration from a diversity of sources, including pre-modern cultures and jazz improvisation. An approach that emphasizes interconnectedness, collective action, and challenging the destructive beliefs of those in power,thus pushing toward further explorations and innovate lifestyles.
Let’s start with some daily reports about/from the international scene….and comments or suggestions are always welcome!